Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Moving into the space age

Or possibly moving backwards into it. After signing up to the rather wonderful Scribd and finding all sorts of Oldhammer rule book goodness on there (along with plenty of comics) I got inspired to sift through my old pile of 40K metal and plastic. After feeling dismayed by the incredibly rubbish painting (and half hearted Chaos Marine conversion - Skaven heads, hammers for hands, terribly glued on extra arm!) I found a small pile of plastic and lead Squats, all pretty horribly put together and covered in lurid, badly applied paint.

Then it was off to the chop shop and a nice bath of cleaning fluid.

What magic lies inside? Mangled arms and las rifles mainly.
Fingers crossed they'll clean up enough for me to put together 5 or so of them hopefully with the aim of knocking up a small skirmish size gang for a bit of Rogue Trader action. Just need to find some swarthy opponents now.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Progress, or what have I got myself into..

To avoid a large gap between posts here's a little (edit:Very waffly) progress report and a bit a chance to take stock of what I want to do in the future. Some good stuff, a bit of a painting frenzy and Yay - dice rolling!
Firstly I got in a couple of quick games of SoBH with the finished Gobbo and Elf warbands. First game was possibly the quickest game ever - Gobbo leader killed in turn 2, everyone else routed off the table due to terrible quality rolls. In fairness I think I missed a few rules that could have made it last a bit longer but as my first -reintroduction to moving little men around a table while rolling dice it was good. Let me have have a chance to play again where things lasted a bit longer - the Troll actually moved forward and I discovered Gobbo archers are pretty pants. The Elves vastly superior Quality stat really showed through in these games.
In an attempt to keep the gaming stoke going I fancied facing the Elf mob off against something different so in a furious 5 night flurry I managed to paint up some random Undead types I had lying about. These included possibly one of my oldest figures - a Lich I've had since god knows when - it has been battered about a bit over the years and has lost the original dagger so a bit of a quick fix with a gobo chariot scythe seemed to fit nicely. It painted up OK but time and figure mismanagement hasn't been kind to it! The other fellas in the mob (otherwise known as The Horrors of Slygrin Swamp) were a wraith/spectre miniature I picked up from the bargain bin at BIG and a some swamp zombie dudes from Black Tree. These 3 (Michael, Eric and Terry) were actually pretty fun to paint and had some nice little details, their proddypokeyhooky sticks are really thin and fragile which worries me slightly. Terrible phone pic below (Sorry!).

Extan Slygrin and his band of merry flesh eating chums.
I also picked up this:
Boy this gave me a few flashbacks!
I've been lurking around the Oldhammer forum and many of the excellent related Blogs and some of the 3rd Edition battle reports, especially those on the Warhammer for Adults blog, reminded me that however clunky and intricate the 3rd edtition rules are they really lend themselves well to the type of fantasy gaming I used to enjoy. 3rd edition WHFB was one of my games of choice with my small gaming group back in my teens (and I should probably post up something about that murky period) but I was always the one more interested in it than the others. My original copy actually lasted for some time until a leaky, damp garage at my old house got the better of it and rotted the pages (Unfortunately taking the RT rules with it too, if only I'd known better!).

With my small collection of fantasy figures slowly growing it made sense to me to line up WHFB as a potential rule system, and I really like the army lists (I work with spreadsheets, I may have a small obsession with making lists and adding up points). Plus the models that lend themselves to that period and the Oldhammer ethos are really awesome. I've tried to like some of the new plastics ones, I've even won a few on evilbay that will feature in the small armies I'm planning but the overblown mega-hat stuff that's out these days really does not float my fantasy boat (Longship? Giant Turtle?).

That said I may take a quick spin on the Age of SiggyMarley rules roundabout but mainly because it was free and, yeah, army lists (No points though waaaaahhhh).

Thursday, 9 July 2015


Warband post number 2, those lovely flouncy Elves. These were finished a week or so ago and I'm quite happy with them too! Well apart from the squiffy eyes on a few of them, another point to add to the list of "things to learn to do properly".

Again another mix of old and new figures - a couple of old Wardancers, 2 Chaz Elliot Champions and some new Chaz Elliot in the form of the Mage and Archer. Have to say there are parts of the Archer that were quite lumpy and bad - the hand holding the bow and the face in particular.
Ylithrian's Gladerunners

Ylithrian on the left getting pointy and Hylinril on the right doing the shouty.

The Backup Boys, Gildorn the incredible disco Elf on the left

Gydrial the Elf Wizard, really happy with this paintjob, but yet another pointy chap, does remind me of an old drawing by my mate Whip though - Zzzzap!
And for sake of completeness here is the SoBH warband list. Again I took a slight liberty on the personality points but I wanted a Hero and a Mage so nyerrrr.

Ylithrian's Gladerunners 
Points: Personality: 158 (52%) Warrior: 146 (48%)
Ylithrian - Wood Elf Lieutenant - Personality 
Points 95 Quality 2+ Combat 4
Special Rules Forester, Hero
Gydrial - Elf Wizard - Personality 
Points 63 Quality 2+ Combat 2
Special Rules Magic-User
Silydr - Wood Elf Archer 
Points 56 Quality 3+ Combat 3
Special Rules Forester, Shooter: Long, Unerring Aim
Gildorn - Young Wood Elf Warrior 
Points 26 Quality 3+ Combat 2
Special Rules Forester
Taran - Young Wood Elf Warrior 
Points 26 Quality 3+ Combat 2
Special Rules Forester
Hylinril - Elf Warrior 
Points 38 Quality 2+ Combat 3
Special Rules None

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Dems kneebiterz

Well it appears I've knocked off one of the targets I've set already and completed some warbands ready for SoBH. Not a massive amount of miniatures to paint but I realised that doing 5 at once is quite a struggle, but lesson learned for that one.

Onto the figures and the warbands - first up is Garg Urkls Goblin Kneebiterz. A collection of some of my old Citadel miniatures, a new Goblin archer from Ral Partha (by Kev Adams of course!), a Reaper Bones Troll and the 2 "character" figures are from Black Tree Design. Also apologies for the pictures, taken on my phone camera and forced into the blog via photo bucket hence crappiness.
Garg Urkles Kneebiterz in "attack" formation "Clobba em ladz".

Urkl Wolfhak astride his mighty wolf Chuckles, ably backed up by the ever grumpy Shaman Harsk Dedhan
Smalt Furbak and Snurk the gobbo stickas backed up by Humk Lumpnbak the (semi) tame Troll

Der Kneebiter Boyz - Firgl, Kirgl, Shuk & Glunk
So there you have it, pretty much the first miniatures I've painted in 20yrs! Still a lot to learn, expecially basing and highlighting, although I don't feel these pics capture some of the shading I attempted and make them look a little flat. However I am pretty stoked on getting (most) of the paint in the right places, trying out a few new techniques and actually completing a small project.

These fellas will be used in my first few games of Songs of Blades and Heros to get a feel for gaming again. I've put together a little warband list for those of you interested in that sort of thing - there were a few liberties taken with the personalities but I wanted to shoehorn a Shaman and a larger miniature somehow!

Garg Urkl Kneebiterz

Urkl Wulfhak - Goblin Commander - Personality
Points 59 Quality 4+ Combat 3
Special Rules Fearless, Leader, Mounted

Hasrk Dedhan - Goblin Shaman - Personality
Points 50 Quality 4+ Combat 3
Special Rules Magic-User, Stealth

Smalft Furbak - Goblin Elite Archer
Points 26 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules Shooter: Medium, Unerring Aim

Snurk - Goblin Archer
Points 23 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules Good Shot, Shooter: Short

Firgl - Goblin Warrior
Points 20 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules Gregarious

Kirgl - Goblin Warrior
Points 20 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules Gregarious

Shuk - Goblin Warrior
Points 20 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules Gregarious

Glunk - Goblin Warrior
Points 20 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules Gregarious

Humk Lumpnbak - Hill Troll - Personality
Points 62 Quality 4+ Combat 4
Special Rules Big, Fearless, Tough