Saturday, 30 May 2015

Where are we going?

A very good question. Why am I getting back into this now and where do I want it to take me?

Firstly I'm hoping that gaming and painting are something my son will grow to love. Rhys has been diagnosed with Hypermobilty/EDS type 3 which while not life threatening it certainly means he won't be the sportiest of children. He is however blessed with a marvellous imagination and finds the general concept of Elves hilarious ("Pointy ears and bows and arrows dad? Hahahah you are funny").

This all means that hopefully one day we will both be sitting around rolling dice and moving small men about for fun. Or painting things proper colours (To be honest the purple and yellow wolf kinda looked cool).

Personally I've got to an age where I don't care what other peoples perception of me is. I skateboard, surf, play touch rugby and drink too much beer. Painting and gaming may be seen as a small mid-life crisis, reclaiming a part of my youth perhaps - and if it is then so be it - like I said I don't care.

In my youth I was your typical GW fanboy, I spent an entire family holiday in Bournemouth posted up in the GW store there playing many games of Blood Bowl and it didn't seem abnormal. Why my parents entrusted my daycare to a group of wierd men in a shop though I'll never understand, different times indeed.

Now I'm more interested in smaller, easier to understand rules - I've stumbled across Songs of Blades and Heroes from Ganesha Games and my initial goal is to create a few warbands and play a few solo games using these rules.

All this refreshed interest was provoked by my friend Mark, an excellent painter of minis and part-time Goth dancer. Check out his blog here for some incredible goodness. I stumbled across an old box of lead and saw a few pieces in there that he might be interested in, these were packaged up and sent off and I've just recieved a few back which I will blog about later.

Next post tho I'm afraid you'll have to be subjected to my first few forays back into painting. Sorry.

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