Saturday, 16 January 2016

And we are off.

First finished miniatures of 2016, even though they were started in December (that counts right?). Original 1st edition Space Hulk Stealers painted using the quick method from the Corehammer blog. Came out better than expected and my first time using ink washes. A bit of work required however, and possibly some better spray paint.

These will form part of the Stealer Coven warband for my 250pt 40k games. The rest of the gang (Magus, 2 Hybrids and some Brood Brothers) are getting pretty clos to done, more on them soon!


  1. Army painter do some really nice coloured undercoats which would help you fly through Genies.

    Good first effort!

    1. Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look.

      First Genestealers in about 20 years!
